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Leader of the Month

These students demonstrated Habit 3: Put First Things First

Honor Roll Students

State Farm Good Neigh'bear Award

The Teresa Miley State Farm Agency honors an H. E. Corley employee each month.  The honor includes a book selected by the recipient to be donated to the HEC Media Center. The Teresa Miley State Farm Agency continues their tradition of giving to elementary schools with a unique spin. The monthly recipient chooses the next month's honoree. Therefore, this gift always has special meaning.

iFive Instructional Technology

Parent & Student Chromebook Orientation Videos are available here. Chromebook prices are also listed.

Title I School


Parents are a part of the Title I team!


About Us

Our mission at H. E. Corley Elementary School Leadership Magnet and Montessori Magnet is to empower students to lead and learn from experiences and to apply that knowledge for the good of self and others through collabrorative teamwork.