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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

H. E. C. 

Where we are LEADING and LEARNING for LIFE


Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive process for teaching behavioral expectations. PBIS is an on-going district initiative. At H. E. Corley Leadership Magnet School, The Leader in Me and PBIS go hand-in-hand.

Incorporating PBIS strategies with The Leader in Me allows staff and students at H. E. Corley Leadership Magnet School to have a common language when discussing behavioral expectations. Behavioral expectations are taught just as academic subjects are taught. This consistency and emphasis support and empower our students to excel as leaders.

PBIS is implemented throughout H. E. Corley Leadership Magnet School. You will find expectations posted in all classrooms, restrooms, hallways, the cafeteria and the playground.

Students who exhibit these expectations can earn Croc Cash. This can be used to purchase items from our school store or put into buckets for our weekly drawings that take place at our Friday School-wide Morning Meetings. Students may also receive positive office referrals. Students who receive a positive office referral receive a positive phone call home from an administrator and the possibility of participating in an activity at the School-wide Morning Meeting on Friday. Students are also recognized during our quarterly leadership assemblies.

For more information about how H. E. Corley Leadership Magnet School uses PBIS look in our weekly newsletter, The Crocodilian, and classroom newsletters.